Happy Easter weekend!
Plan to join us for a very special Sunday as we celebrate Easter and our 2nd Anniversary of Spirit rising through us to create this beautiful Spiritual Center.
We’re continuing our April Series, “I Release & I Let Go!” The empowering path of surrender.
EASTER SUNDAY MESSAGE, 10:00 am: “Transcend and Rise Triumphant!” Surrender Your Limiting Beliefs.
We teach that we are the Divine Essence of Spirit in form, yet we may not feel we are living such a magnificent life. Holding on to limiting beliefs, those created and clung to by our egoic mind, can make us feel safe in our cave but in the long run, they hold us trapped and keep us from achieving the life we desire. We will look at ways we can finally begin to surrender the beliefs that entomb our desires and keep us from soaring in the direction of our dreams.
Special Live music by Gary Lynn Floyd
Peace & Blessings,
Rev Jill