About Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
Welcome to Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living!
Our Vision is:
Empowering Possibilities through the Revelation of Spiritual Truths
Our Mission is:
We Teach Spiritual Principles of Positive Living to Create a World that Works for All
We invite you to visit our center, experience our loving community and learn spiritual principles that can change your life from struggle and sadness to success and happiness.
Led by Rev. Jill Clements, Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living is a dynamic group of like-minded people who gather on Sunday mornings for spiritual services, and throughout the week for enriching, life-expanding spiritual classes.
At Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living, we discuss Spiritual Principles and how to apply them to our lives to make us happier, more peaceful and loving. If you are familiar with the work of Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson Dr. Wayne Dyer, we believe you will resonate with the teachings of Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes.
Science of Mind teaching is grounded in the Wholeness and Perfection of each individual as a unique expression of God. We demonstrate the daily practice and application of these Spiritual Principles to positively impact all areas of our lives to build better relationships with our selves, our families, in our businesses and in our communities, leading to a happier and more fulfilling experience of life.
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