Prayer Practitioners
Our Prayer Practitioners at Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living are a group of loving professionals trained and licensed by the Centers for Spiritual Living in the art of affirmative prayer and spiritual counseling. Practitioners are here to help you see your life more clearly, reveal where your thoughts may be inhibiting you from what you desire, and are in service to you in prayer.
Our Prayer Practitioners are available for a fee for private spiritual counseling by appointment. If you would like a private session with one of our
Professionals, please contact the Practitioner directly.
Prayer Support
At Centers for Spiritual Living, we practice a form of affirmative prayer called “Spiritual Mind Treatment.” Affirmative Prayer aligns our thoughts to create a powerful process that shifts our consciousness so that we are open and available to accept the divine good that is already present in our life.
The ministers and practitioners at Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living are in loving service to you for any prayer support you many need. Our spiritual staff is available for one-on-one confidential sessions and online prayer support. After Sunday services our staff is available for prayer.
How We Pray
Affirmative Prayer is a prayer that declares a spiritual Truth. It is a recognition of Spirit’s Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, and a realization of humanity’s unity with Spirit. Affirmative Prayer is a powerful method for setting the Creative Process into motion. It is a direct, focused, and organized method using five steps to get to your desired outcome:
- Recognition (God Is All There Is)
- Unification (I Am One with God)
- Realization (Speaking Your Desired Good)
- Thanksgiving (Grateful Acceptance) and
- Release (Let Go, Let God)
A Spiritual Mind Treatment opens up the portals of thought, expands consciousness and makes way for your spiritual reality to manifest.

What is a Prayer Practitioner?
A Prayer Practitioner is one who endeavors to heal themselves and others through the recognition of the creative power of Mind and the ever availability of Good. Practitioners are individuals who have been trained in the art, skill and science of Affirmative Prayer.
A Practitioner seeks to demonstrate the power of spiritual realization in everyday affairs and believes in Divine guidance. A Practitioner sees through whatever condition you may be facing to the spiritual truth of your absolute being, bringing about a change in the circumstance.
Practitioners are licensed to practice professionally, and are bound by a high code of ethics and respect your privacy.

Daniel Laraway, RScP
I was introduced to SOM around 1999 and found it appealing as it answered many questions that I had regarding religion and spirituality. I come from a science, spiritual and social science background, so it checked all the boxes for me. I began taking courses to learn more and soon I found myself on track to become a practitioner. I finally became licensed 2006 and never looked back.
During practitioner training I started a Real Love men’s group at our spiritual center and at the same time I was learning about Grief Recovery and became a certified grief recovery specialist. My ministry has been based on promoting healthy relationships and healing wounds caused from trauma and unresolved grief though the principles of these various methods.
I continue to offer support for our community and the world through teaching and healing. I have spoken in various spiritual communities, conducted workshops, group and individual events centered around these healing principles. I strive to live my life with purpose and assist others in doing the same. I arrived in AZ in 1979 and moved to Scottsdale in 1986.