We'd Love to Have You as a Member!
Participate. Volunteer. Contribute.
Membership in Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living implies a deep affiliation with our teaching and a commitment to becoming a Steward of this community, its assets, and its future. Individuals choose to become a member after becoming familiar with the teaching and culture of our Center.
There are three pillars of Stewardship at Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living:
Stewards are active participants in the meetings, events, services, classes, workshops and social activities of our community.
Stewards give the gift of service of their time and talent. Service is the most rewarding way for you to be of support to your Spiritual Community and the best way to make new friends and grow in your personal Spirituality.
The center is entirely supported by generous contributions of its members and congregants. Stewards support the fiscal well-being of the center through financial contributions in a consistent and identifiable way through donations, tithes, offerings, classes and events.
Benefits of Membership include:
- workshops at reduced prices
- voting privilege for all Center business
- eligible to serve on our Board of Trustees (see Minister for Board Requirements)
- monthly communications from the Senior Minister
- 6 month subscription to Science of Mind Magazine
- free "spiritual check in" with a Professional Prayer Practitioner
Commitment to Membership is a conscious choice for your personal and spiritual growth, to being an active part of this spiritual community, its growth and outreach into the world and your contribution to a world that works for all.
I want to become a member!... Now what?
If you are interested in further exploration of membership with Scottsdale CSL, the Center holds a quarterly Membership Information Meeting that provides detailed information about the Center, its business and spiritual activities. Followed by a call to membership and application form.
Interested in exploring membership with Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living?