Donate to Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
Whether it be one-time or recurring donation to our center, at Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living, we want to make it EASY! Just click the Paypal donate button (Paypal account is not required) and enter your donation!
You may choose a one-time or a monthly recurring (Autotithe) donation. You may also select where to direct your donation.
Thank you for financially supporting Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living!
or make your donation with Zelle:
As a recurring tither you will receive a supply of Tithe Tickets to place into the Sunday service collection basket, demonstrating your continued support of our center!
Join Our MONEY FINDERS program!
You may also make specify a donation through our Money Finders Program whereby you...
Desire to mail your donation?
Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
8360 East Raintree Drive, #110
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

Hold your phone's camera over our QR code to make your donation via PayPal or Credit Card now!