Our Classes at Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
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Mental Equivalents Class
This inspiring 5-week class leaps into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe there is a corresponding mental image. This is a study and practical application of the Science of Mind teaching that all is created twice; first in Mind and then in form. Discover how to measure and expand your thinking to create a larger mental image so that your greatest desires may be yours.
Mental Equivalents includes five sessions:
- Session 1: Current and Desired State of Mental Equivalents
- Session 2: More and Less in Life
- Session 3: Willingness and Obstacles
- Session 4: Tools You Can Use
- Session 5: The Plan
Length of Course: 5 weeks
Required Text: Mental Equivalents by Emmet Fox, Course Workbook
Tuition: $145. $45 minimum due for registration and materials, pay in full or $50 each week.
This is an accredited class through Centers for Spiritual Living and meets 1 of 3 Consciousness prerequisites to enter Practitioner Studies.
Registration fee is non-refundable and due in advance
New Foundations of the Science of Mind
The Foundations of the Science of Mind is the first class required on the spiritual journey of the study of the Science of Mind. Students will learn a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support that principle. The Universal Creative Process is introduced at the beginning of the class and then flows through each week, so that the student has the opportunity to see and use the Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Students will have the opportunity to experience the writings of those who came before us in this teaching as well as from our current day contemporaries. Readings include leaders such as Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, and many more. Coursework updated in 2007
Length of Course: 10 weeks
Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, Course Workbook
Tuition: $245 – includes CSL Registration Fee - "Pay as you go" ($25 per week), $200 if prepaid in advance
Registration fee is non-refundable and due in advance.
Note: Completion of the Foundations course
is required to attend the following classes...
Self-Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self
To be the Master of your own Self is to fully understand who you really are. Mastery is usually defined as be highly skilled or proficient in one or more areas of life. Self-Mastery takes us to our highest level. To be the Master of your own Self is to fully understand who you really are. It is a discovery of your inner guiding Light and requires a willingness to take full responsibility for your own life.
The Self Mastery Course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students will gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings. Mastery in the spiritual sense is the realization that you are the Universe, and that you and everything around you flows in harmony as the magnificent dance of your own creation.
Length of Course: 8 Weeks
Required Text: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Tuition: $195 – includes $45 CSL Registration Fee - "Pay as you go" ($20 per week), $175 if prepaid in advance
Registration fee is non-refundable and due in advance
The Essential Ernest Holmes
This course is a loving tribute to Dr. Ernest Holmes and the wisdom he brought to our world. The course is based upon the “What We Believe” principles written by Dr. Holmes in 1927. Each week, students will discover and examine the different principles contained in “What We Believe” and uncover ways to make this teaching come alive in all areas of their lives. The classes include a weekly meditation designed to lead the student progressively deeper into the Light to find Inner Truth. Released in 2007
Length of Course: 10 Weeks
Required Text: The Essential Ernest Holmes by Dr. Jesse Jennings
Tuition: $245 – includes CSL Registration Fee of $45, 4 weekly payments of $50.
Registration fee is non-refundable and due in advance
Historical Roots of the Science of Mind
The Science of Mind is a compilation of the world’s faith traditions. To gain a greater understanding of the foundational ideas contained in this text, this class delves into the historical “Roots” of Ernest Holmes’ philosophy. Specific emphasis is given to the works of Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, all considered major influences in Ernest Holmes life.
Length of Course: 10 Weeks
Required Texts: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, Emerson’s Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward, Scientific Christian Mental Practice by Emma Curtis Hopkins
Tuition: $245 – includes CSL Registration Fee - "Pay as you go" ($25 per week), $200 if prepaid in advance
Registration fee is non-refundable and due in advance