About Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living
Welcome to Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living! If what you see here touches your heart, we invite you to visit our center and experience a community whose vision is “Empowering Possibilities through the Revelation of Spiritual Truths.”
Led by Rev Jill Clements, Scottsdale Center for Spiritual Living is a dynamic group of like-minded people who come together on Sunday mornings to discuss Spiritual Principles and how to apply them to our lives. Our mission is that We Teach Spiritual Principles of Positive Living to Create a World that Works for All.

We are life-long learners and explorers of The Science of Mind, written by Ernest Holmes. This teaching is grounded in the Wholeness and Perfection of each individual as a unique expression of God. We teach the daily practice and application of these Spiritual Principles to positively impact all areas of our lives to build better relationships with our selves, our families, in our businesses and in our communities, leading to a happier and more fulfilling experience of life.
We also enjoy live music with a guest soloist each week.
Our services are held at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings at 8360 East Raintree Drive, #110, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260. Enter from the courtyard.
We also conduct a pre-service mediation from 9:30-9:45 am every Sunday. Please join us!

Meet Rev Jill Clements
Rev Jill Clements is a graduate of the Holmes Institute, Centers for Spiritual Living School of Spiritual Leadership. She has been a student of the teachings of the Science of Mind since 1999 and was called to ministry in 2010.
Rev Jill practices the principles of Science of Mind and Spirit to continually evolve in all areas of her life. It is her joy to share this teaching with others seeking to grow and progress in their spirituality. She believes that we are all the perfection of God expressing in form and that we already have everything we need, even though sometimes we just can’t see it for ourselves.
Rev Jill has been in management and leadership in the business community for over 30 years, specializing in commercial real estate development and asset management. She is originally from Virginia and has lived in Arizona since 1992, moving to Scottsdale in 1996.